Dissertation Editing Services in UK
Dissertation Editing Services in UK Standard features of work
  • 250 words per page
  • Harvard, APA 6ed, MLA, Chicago, Turabian or Vancouver format
  • Font: 12 point Arial/Times New Roman 1.5 or Double line spacing
  • Scholarly writing
  • Over 75% academic references
  • FREE references page
  • Turn It In Plagiarism report on request
Dissertation Editing Services in UK Testimonials
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For most of the academic studies, writing the research proposal is the initial step.

A research proposal is the formal document which elucidates the idea to the student and the supervisor on the details ofthe research. The research proposal helps to define the problem statement. It gives a defined perspective to research in terms of time and desired output. Dissertation Service UKhas been offering the MBA Dissertation proposal help for over a decade now. Students can also club the requirement of research proposal and Dissertation Writing Services for a more consistent approach to work, long term consultation and more economical.The serviceof thedissertation proposal is offered for PhD and Master's (MBA/MSc) requirements. Dissertation proposal requires the writer to crystallise the thoughts and final outcome in a dissertation.

A Research proposal normally has two important elements, namely the literature review and the research methodology. Literature review brings about a clear research problem and further the research hypothesis. The other element, research methodology outlines the process of collecting and analysing data.

Get help with your Dissertation Proposal
Research Proposal
Dissertation Editing Services in UK Problem Statement
Dissertation Editing Services in UK Research problem and Hypothesis
(Based on Literature Review)
Dissertation Editing Services in UKResearch Methods

Literature review is a major sub head of the research proposal. It is an analysis of publications which are relevant to the topic of the study and help to set the environment and ecosystem for research and further define the topic. As a thumb rule, the team of writers at DSUK uses publications of last 10-12 years for generating the literature review. The researcher should possess high level of intellectual capability to present a good literature review. The Literature review should bring forth a clear and concise research problem.

Sample Content Structure of a Dissertation Proposal:

1. Title

2. Introduction

3. Problem Statement

  • Establish clear purpose of study
  • Review important literature
  • Depicting how results of literature research are related to the study
  • Indicate how this study might contribute

4. Research problem and hypothesis

  • Statement of research problem is required in both quantitative and qualitative studies.
  • Due care should be taken whether the research problem can be solved or not in the timeframe
  • Exploratory studies do not require hypothesis. Formal hypothesis are especially required for quantitative research methodology.

5. Research Methodology

  • Listing of tools and techniques to collect and analyse data.
  • Respondents involved.
  • Data gathering instruments.
  • Statistical design.
  • Validity and reliability.

6. Assumptions and Limitations

  • Indication of limitations and possible assumption which might be taken during the course of research.

Dissertation proposal writing service offered by DSUK is a consulting cum solutions package. A full desk research is done for topic originality and then the ideas and flow are discussed to ensure that the proposal is in line with the interest/specialisation area of the researcher. All this and more are offered to the scholars at a price which is affordable and competitive for industry standards.

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