An insight into some interesting Public Health UK MSc Dissertation Topics


A huge population of research scholars in the UK have started opting for pursuing MSc degree courses in subjects related to Public Health and Social Care. Professionals working in health care sector as well as fresh graduates contemplating a career in the public health and health promotion domain are willingly choosing to pursue an MSc degree course in the health care subjects. This blog of mine would allow my readers to get an insight into some of the most interesting topics covered by UK MSc students who have chosen Public Health Care as their area of study.

The range of subject disciplines covered under the Public Health sector is mainly designed so as to develop key public health competencies as part of a curriculum. Here are some popular subjects covered under UK MSc degree programs with area of study as Public Health and Social Care:

 Physical Activity & Health

  • Weight bearing physical activity and bone health
  • Physical activity and sleep in older adults
  • Smoking cessation and physical activity promotion in community pharmacies
  • The effects of brisk walking on blood pressure
  • Importance of exercise for people with severe enduring mental illness

 Nutrition & Health

  • Promotion of breastfeeding in new mothers
  • Diet and quality of life in cancer patients
  • Obesity management in clients with learning disabilities
  • School meal choices in adolescent boys and girls
  • Food shopping habits of older adults and relation to diet
  • Evaluation of a health session for students during exams

The basic aim of Public Health UK MSc dissertations is to help students develop a systematic and critical understanding of theories, concepts, principles etc relating to health promotion and public health. Such dissertations primarily deal with complex issues relating to the promotion of public health. The research students usually apply advanced knowledge and understanding related to professional public health practices. I hope the information furnished by me would surely assist you in learning a lot about the best topics for Public Health UK MSc Dissertations worked upon by a huge population of MSc students in the UK.


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